Site24x7 Web Transaction (Browser) Recorder
Site24x7 Web Transaction (Browser) Recorder is a free Chrome extension developed by Site24x7. This tool allows users to record all essential workflows in their web applications and set up production monitoring using Chrome or Firefox browsers at regular intervals.
To start recording, users need to log in to their Site24x7 account. Once the transaction is recorded, users can perform a test playback of the recorded transaction. They can then proceed to add a new monitor or update an existing monitor.
This browser recorder is a valuable tool for web developers and administrators who want to ensure the smooth performance of their web applications. By recording and monitoring essential workflows, users can identify any issues or bottlenecks and take necessary actions to optimize their applications.
With its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with Site24x7, the Web Transaction (Browser) Recorder is a practical solution for web application monitoring and optimization.
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